Friday, September 16, 2005


It is so easy to fall into envy and greed. A drive through a nice neighborhood or seeing a new BMW parked next to you or watching Cribs on MTV...and suddenly we don't have enough. The love of the God of the universe and the wonderful family and the health and the beauty of God's creation and a place to sleep and food and a car that runs...really, we are blessed.
God provides for our basic needs every day. He is so good to us.

Check out and see how rich you are. It reminded me how very blessed we are.

Thank you God, for taking care of all of our needs.

1 comment:

Brian Colmery said...


Thanks for the heads up. I threw up the link over on Sycamore. Good to see you doing the blog thing consistently, too.

And if you want to keep spam like the previous comment off your blog, you can turn on "word verification" in the settings section of Blogger. Someone always has to ruin the party.