Friday, January 26, 2007

Oh Jesus

So Kayla has recently encountered the Christian subculture, and I've been worried about the effects. She has been reading some Christian books (mainly Christmas books) and recently went to Sunday School at a traditional church (although when Kayla calls it church I remind her that we are the church! Dang it!)

Just moments ago my fears were realized. Kayla dropped a book and said, "Oh Jesus!" Shocked to hear my daughter talk like that I looked up. Andrea notified me that the dropped book in questions was a book about Jesus. Kayla was not using the name of Jesus in vain, but simply worried about Him since he had fallen to the ground in the book. Kayla then exclaimed, "It's okay, Jesus!" Kayla then picked up Jesus into her little hands and carefully carried him to Andrea, informing us that "Jesus needs Mommy."


Anonymous said...

pretty cool....your Dad. Is Kayla cool or what?

Lora said...

well, i hope you promptly and sternly corrected her mistaken doctrine and said, "no Kayla, Mommy needs Jesus!"