Monday, October 02, 2006


two women
two women with black hair
two women with black hair turning grey

i could see them out of the corners of my eyes
one to my left and one to my right
two women

A slow and stubborn gait
Weathered hands and faces
Blank stares marching forward
Marching towards my lime green seat in front of the laundromat

Suddenly, in unison four eyes open up
two heads rise and two smiles form
two weathered and beautiful faces
four hands move upwards and point towards the others

The legs have new life
Springing forward as if they were still young
two hands meet two hands and hold each other
now two full bodies embrace

quiet words are spoken
i cannor hear
a language i cannot understand
but i do understand

and i feel joy
like the joy at a happy ending of a movie
only this is real
this is simple life

as the two part one passes me
still smiling and I cannot help but smile myself
my hello is met with a blush and a chuckle
realizing i have seen the meeting of these two

a minute or two passes
the two have moved on
another woman, dark skin, black hair turning grey,
a slow gait, weathered hands and face,

but no one on the other side
at least no one who cares
or at least no one who knows
there is one

the legs never gain speed
the eyes never light up
the smile does not come

surely she has comanions on another street
surely she has someone who makes her smile
who gives her life
does she

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