Friday, January 06, 2006

Common Sabbath Retreat

This weekend ReIMAGINE is hosting a retreat to practice Sabbath together and discuss what it would look like to practice a common life in the way of Jesus. What would it look like to be a kind of neo-monastic community throughout the Bay Area. What would it look like to commit to common rhythms, disciplines and values and hold each other accountable to following through with our commitments? Is it possible to have this kind of community without a physical communal living situation? In any case, how can we be a kind of prophetic community that shows the Bay Area that there is a different way to be human than the norm?
As more and more people inquire about being a part of these types of gatherings, may all we say, plan and do be focused on Jesus. May we honor Him. May we serve Him with humble hearts and follow Him wherever He leads.

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