Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Soul Graffiti - Spread the word

Mark Scandrette, who you probably know I work with, has been working on this book for quite some time. It just released a couple days ago, and I'm excited to see how God uses this book to shake things up and inspire people to a life of apprenticeship to Jesus. Here's a review I wrote...

Mark Scandrette's Soul Graffiti reminds me of Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis. What sets Soul Graffiti apart is the practical dimension. Mark uses his unique talents as a storyteller to draw us into real life experiments in following Jesus in the details of life. As he illustrates this way of life he manages to be both raw and elegant at the same time. This book is full of ideas for pressing forward on the journey...walking in new ways, developing new habits, finding new rhythms. You will encounter an inspiring and dangerous faith full of risk taking and love.

1 comment:

Andy Thompson said...

Today in my CE101 (Christian Education Process of The Church) class at Dallas Seminary ReIMAGINE got a big shout out thanks to an interview we watched given by Dieter Zander. He was introduced as Associate director although I don't think he is with y'all in an official capacity any longer. It was a class on methodology focusing on listening to the emergent conversation to help guide our development of church ministries. Thought you would be encouraged. (maybe frightened?)