Saturday, April 21, 2007

6 years

Six years ago today I got married to a wonderful young lady. If I could go back, I would certainly do the ceremony differently, but I would also certainly get married to Andrea. She has amazed me the past couple years with her ability to grow as a person, as a follower of Jesus. Several months ago she moved into "The City" and soon after gave birth to our second child (with no pain medication, mind you). She has navigated an incredible amount of change with grace and courage. She is an amazing mother and wife. I am so proud of her. Mark says we'll have another 80 years together...sounds good to me.
Today Ryan and Holly and Dan and Bethany came over to allow Andrea and I to have an anniversary date. When they left at around 5 PM they said they were coming back to have dinner with us at 7. In reality, Lisa and Hailey Scandrette came over to watch the kids and let us have our second date in one day. We are so grateful to have the kind of friends who would care for us and actually ask to watch our kids for us on our anniversary...the kind of people who would suggest not letting Andrea know about the second part of our day and then enjoy fooling her with a story about dinner.
At moments like this when I reflect on my life I am reminded of God's goodness. I am a part of a beautiful community. When we try to explain to people we meet that we just moved here a few months ago but we have a large group of people we spend our lives with, hoping to care for each other and live a life of love together, we can receive strange looks. We are reminded that many people do not have community. We should be grateful. I have a wonderful wife who I truly love and respect. I should be grateful.
All this to say here's to Andrea and our friends. I am a blessed man.

1 comment:

Lora said...

congrats on the six years. you are a blessed man, and those of us around you & andrea (and kiddos) are enriched and blessed by knowing you. so it's a win/win!