Saturday, November 11, 2006


Andrea is officially due to give birth tomorrow. I'm pulling for tonight and hoping she's not a week late like she was with Kayla. It just feels weird to wait...I'm going to take a few days off when we have the baby boy, and I'm not feeling motivated to do anything else but get ready to have a family of four.
We are also still working on a name for the boy. If anyone has an idea, feel free to reply to this post. Actually, I'm sick of people telling me in person, so please do post here if you have an idea. Ideally, it should have meaning and sound cool (even with Millheim after it)

1 comment:

some chick said...

how about Miller? Miller Millheim. I like it. : )

You guys want your bassinet back? Let me know and you can come by and get it any time. Honestly, we really aren't using it and know you need it.