Wednesday, March 22, 2006



Tumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling
Here am I
Weaving, Heaving, Cleaving
Here am I

In the shadow of His beauty
I seek to find my rest
But with storms of endlesss fears and dreams
My head keeps moving
Though my body is still
So many thoughts, endless ideas
Too many for me to count

But I know, I just know
That inside me there is a rhythm that is good
Deep inside I trust my Adonai
Deep inside I fear no man
Deep inside I fly

So I cry out
Sometimes with my lungs but today in silence
In my head and in my heart
I cry out

You say You love me
You say You are here
You say I am your beloved
Your chosen one

Today I claim the promises
I choose to believe them to be true
You love me with a deeper love than I can fathom
you protect me from my enemies and from myself

You have plans for me
A destiny I have heard you whisper
A future with You, for You
Healing in your wings
Healing in your breath

Here am I
Tumbling, Bumbling, Stumbling
Into You
Into Your Way
Into Your Love
Into You

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