Monday, February 27, 2006
I'm impressed, and I'm hard to impress
I just need to communicate to someone that I have been very impressed with the Creekside Community Church Community Life Groups (Small Groups) that have been spending time at Baldwin Park in Concord on Saturday's. A couple days ago another group joined me in making some new friends with people who didn't have anywhere else to eat lunch. Most are homeless for one reason or another. I am just so encouraged at how the groups have actually interacted with people. We haven't just scooped some food to do our good deed for the day. We have been making friends, listening, caring...learning to love. We are learning to live in the way that Jesus teaches us. No, we are not perfect. No, we have not saved the world or ended homelessness in Concord, but I am encouraged by what I have seen. Small acts of love and friendship are helping form people from both ends of the economic spectrum, and it is fun to be a part of it.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Unglamorous Spiritual Formation
Last night I'm sitting in our "Jesus Dojo" listening to friends share hopes and dreams...hopes and dreams for a life lived in the Kingdom of God as followers of Jesus. We all have slightly different points of pain and weakness, and different ideas make our hearts soar and come to life. Together we hope to see our lives transformed as our lives move forward, transformed to be more like the Jesus we follow. As we talked about steps we each desire to take to make our lives open to God's transormation, it occurred to me that spiritual transformation is not always glamorous or sexy. Committing to go see a counselor about your past is not glamorous. Deciding to limit your time surfing the Internet is not flashy. Working on being a better mother and husband is not sexy. But such is life. We have tiny decisions every day that group together to make us who we are. We are shaped by the day in, day out little things.
Now I have nothing against incredible moments of inspiration, and I happen to believe that we should be filled with emotion with we realize how God loves us and cares for us and believes in us. I've enjoyed singing songs to Jesus at the top of my lungs with hundreds of other people. I've enjoyed the rush of speaking to a group of people and feeling excitement in the air. I also know that life isn't a continual adrenaline rush. It's too easy to depend on the crazy flashy highs and public events and let the simple daily lives, our real lives, the lives we really live every second, decay and rot.
I'll stop rambling now, but I just hope I never give people the impression that following Jesus is always a crazy roller coaster of fame and happiness and dramatic tear filled evenings. It is that, but it is also waking up at the time I need to wake up and honoring God with how I spend my money today and whether I choose to check my email again or play with my daughter and whether I choose to stop and pray and listen instead of blaring Wilco on my IPod and whether I go to bed on time instead of watching Sports Center.
Now I have nothing against incredible moments of inspiration, and I happen to believe that we should be filled with emotion with we realize how God loves us and cares for us and believes in us. I've enjoyed singing songs to Jesus at the top of my lungs with hundreds of other people. I've enjoyed the rush of speaking to a group of people and feeling excitement in the air. I also know that life isn't a continual adrenaline rush. It's too easy to depend on the crazy flashy highs and public events and let the simple daily lives, our real lives, the lives we really live every second, decay and rot.
I'll stop rambling now, but I just hope I never give people the impression that following Jesus is always a crazy roller coaster of fame and happiness and dramatic tear filled evenings. It is that, but it is also waking up at the time I need to wake up and honoring God with how I spend my money today and whether I choose to check my email again or play with my daughter and whether I choose to stop and pray and listen instead of blaring Wilco on my IPod and whether I go to bed on time instead of watching Sports Center.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Spiritual Formation Retreat March 17-19
An initiative of THE JESUS DOJO sponsored by ReIMAGINE!
DATES: The weekend of March 17-19
LOCATION: Capitola, California (a coastal village just South of Santa Cruz)
COST: Sliding scale donation of $60-$130
ENTER/SPACE is a retreat experience designed around understanding and
practicing spiritual disciplines. Jesus, the teacher, is our example. He
often withdrew to lonely places to pursue connection and centeredness in the
energy and presence of God. Silence, solitude and prayer provide the space
for insight, healing, transformation and renewed vision to occur in our
lives--essential rhythms in the lives of those who pursue apprenticeship to
The weekend will be facilitated by a team of spiritual formation
practitioners and will include extended exercises in prayer, silence and
solitude. Participants will be encouraged to wander beaches and find a
lonely place to listen to the voice of God. Our understanding is that the
goal of spiritual formation practices is to reengage with greater clarity,
focus and energy to serve others in love.
Eight weeks of cohort meetings in various Bay Area locations provide a
further opportunity to explore spiritual formation through weekly exercises
and group interaction.
SESSION 1 Overview of Spiritual Formation/ Lectio Divina
Friday P.M.
SESSION 2 Rest, awareness and presence/ Journaling Exercise
Saturday A.M.
SESSION 3 Wilderness Seduction/ Examin and contemplative practice
Saturday Noon
SESSION 4 Your new name/ Wrestling with God
Saturday P.M.
SESSION 5 Vision and Rhythm/ Creating a personal Rule of Life.
Sunday A.M.
SESSION 6 Reflection and celebration.
THURSDAY OPTION: Those who desire a more intensive period of silence and
solitude may choose to arrive on Thursday evening or Friday morninng-- and
spend the day on Friday in silence and solitude.
LODGING: There is room for 25 people to stay in the coastal home where we
will have meals and group time. These are rustic accommodations. Plan on
bringing a sleeping bag and mattress pad. Camping is also available at a
nearby state park. Our goal is to make the weekend as simple and affordable
as possible in a beautiful location.
MEALS: Simple healthy meals will be provided for participants Friday evening
through Sunday lunch.
ENTER/SPACE is an initiative of THE JESUS DOJO, a yea- long formation
process that explores six dimensions in the life of Jesus: imagination,
prayer, integrity, generosity, healing and community.
An initiative of THE JESUS DOJO sponsored by ReIMAGINE!
DATES: The weekend of March 17-19
LOCATION: Capitola, California (a coastal village just South of Santa Cruz)
COST: Sliding scale donation of $60-$130
ENTER/SPACE is a retreat experience designed around understanding and
practicing spiritual disciplines. Jesus, the teacher, is our example. He
often withdrew to lonely places to pursue connection and centeredness in the
energy and presence of God. Silence, solitude and prayer provide the space
for insight, healing, transformation and renewed vision to occur in our
lives--essential rhythms in the lives of those who pursue apprenticeship to
The weekend will be facilitated by a team of spiritual formation
practitioners and will include extended exercises in prayer, silence and
solitude. Participants will be encouraged to wander beaches and find a
lonely place to listen to the voice of God. Our understanding is that the
goal of spiritual formation practices is to reengage with greater clarity,
focus and energy to serve others in love.
Eight weeks of cohort meetings in various Bay Area locations provide a
further opportunity to explore spiritual formation through weekly exercises
and group interaction.
SESSION 1 Overview of Spiritual Formation/ Lectio Divina
Friday P.M.
SESSION 2 Rest, awareness and presence/ Journaling Exercise
Saturday A.M.
SESSION 3 Wilderness Seduction/ Examin and contemplative practice
Saturday Noon
SESSION 4 Your new name/ Wrestling with God
Saturday P.M.
SESSION 5 Vision and Rhythm/ Creating a personal Rule of Life.
Sunday A.M.
SESSION 6 Reflection and celebration.
THURSDAY OPTION: Those who desire a more intensive period of silence and
solitude may choose to arrive on Thursday evening or Friday morninng-- and
spend the day on Friday in silence and solitude.
LODGING: There is room for 25 people to stay in the coastal home where we
will have meals and group time. These are rustic accommodations. Plan on
bringing a sleeping bag and mattress pad. Camping is also available at a
nearby state park. Our goal is to make the weekend as simple and affordable
as possible in a beautiful location.
MEALS: Simple healthy meals will be provided for participants Friday evening
through Sunday lunch.
ENTER/SPACE is an initiative of THE JESUS DOJO, a yea- long formation
process that explores six dimensions in the life of Jesus: imagination,
prayer, integrity, generosity, healing and community.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Emmaus Road: Bay Area Emergent Cohort
* Dinner & Discussion: Monday February 20, 6:30-9:30 PM
(Burnett home – 185 Kimberlin Heights Drive, Oakland)
Last month many of us gathered at the Scandrette home for dinner and conversation, and we continue our rhythm of meeting together for a potluck meal and facilitated discussions at rotating locations throughout the Bay Area.
If you would like to attend please RSVP to by February 15th. Please also think about how you would like to contribute to the meal and to the conversation. Let us know what food you would like to bring for the potluck and if there is a certain topic you would like to see discussed.
If you are so inclined please make use of the website ( to discuss Emmaus Road gatherings and anything from the food to theological questions.
On the road to Emmaus two friends walked together, discussing the life and teachings of Jesus and struggling to make sense of their world. During that conversation they were met by the Teacher.
Emmaus Road is a casual monthly gathering for people seeking generative friendships and conversation around pursuing the way of Jesus amidst the complexities of the Bay Area.
Our hope is that “Emmaus Road” can be a permission giving place where a diverse group of people, leaders and seekers can encourage and teach one another as together we learn to follow the ways of the Master in our local contexts.
Map to Casa Burnett (185 Kimberlin Heights Drive, Oakland):
* Dinner & Discussion: Monday February 20, 6:30-9:30 PM
(Burnett home – 185 Kimberlin Heights Drive, Oakland)
Last month many of us gathered at the Scandrette home for dinner and conversation, and we continue our rhythm of meeting together for a potluck meal and facilitated discussions at rotating locations throughout the Bay Area.
If you would like to attend please RSVP to by February 15th. Please also think about how you would like to contribute to the meal and to the conversation. Let us know what food you would like to bring for the potluck and if there is a certain topic you would like to see discussed.
If you are so inclined please make use of the website ( to discuss Emmaus Road gatherings and anything from the food to theological questions.
On the road to Emmaus two friends walked together, discussing the life and teachings of Jesus and struggling to make sense of their world. During that conversation they were met by the Teacher.
Emmaus Road is a casual monthly gathering for people seeking generative friendships and conversation around pursuing the way of Jesus amidst the complexities of the Bay Area.
Our hope is that “Emmaus Road” can be a permission giving place where a diverse group of people, leaders and seekers can encourage and teach one another as together we learn to follow the ways of the Master in our local contexts.
Map to Casa Burnett (185 Kimberlin Heights Drive, Oakland):
Matthew 8:28-34
I need to write about this passage a little to get the juices flowing as I pray about how God wants me to teach this passage...
So the disciples are with Jesus on the North edge of the Sea of Galilee, in an area familiar to them, filled with committed and faithful Jews much like them. I wonder if they enjoyed seeing old friends and family. I wonder if they went fishing.
Jesus hops into a boat and the disciples follow him. They are heading across the lake toward the Decapolis, toward the pagans. As the storm hits and the disciples remember their fears of the powers and the evils of the sea, Jesus stops the storm. He "rebuked" the winds and the waves. I find it fascinating that after all Jesus has done to this point the disciples are so blown away by this miracle. Perhaps it points to a culture which had an awe and fear of the power of the sea and what lied beneath. Still, they've seen him heal people and throw out demons and feed thousands with a couple baskets. But this still blows them away!! Jesus shows them that He is more powerful than the Sea, greater than the spirits of the water. He has authority.
As they near the region of the Gadarenes, I wonder what they were thinking. This was pagan land. I wonder if they had ever been there. I wonder what stories they had heard of these evil people. I wonder what their parents told them about the pagans just around the bend. It really isn't that far. You can see this place from the Northern edge where they just were. You can see it from the hill where the great Sermon was told.
I wonder if they were scared, or maybe they were excited about a little adventure. Was a part of these young men feeling like they just shouldn't be there? Surely their culture had told them this place was unclean. For goodness sake, there was a HUGE herd of pigs right there. As the crazy bloody demon possessed guys ran out to greet them, were their fears realized? Did they want to go back to Bethsaida or Capernaum? Did they want to get back in the boat and into the scary sea? Or were they starting to realize that Jesus was the One...He could do it...He would take care of it...and they got to be a part of it all.
As the demons clearly communicate that they are seriously freaked out about Jesus being there, did the disciples think, "Hmmm, these demons seem to think Jesus is seriously powerful."? As Jesus heals the poor man, as He restores this human being, as He brings healing, were they ready to charge into the pagan land yet?
But here's the kicker for me. The people beg Jesus to leave their town. They are freaked. Is it because the pigs are dead? Did he mess up the economy? Were the pigs a part of some sort of pagan worship that now needed some new sacrifices? Did they need some new meat to eat with their eggs in the morning? I wonder if a few of the people in the town really did rejoice over the men who were now in their right mind, the men who had been running around for years, scaring away visitors, scaring their children. What about the men's families? Surely they thanked Jesus. Surely they were a little appreciative. Surely they were stoked to see their sons or brothers back from crazy town?
I love that Jesus gets in the mess of a pagan land. I love that He doesn't stay in Capernaum or Jerusalem. He jumps into the craziness. He isn't scared of the pagan land. He isn't scared of some demon possessed naked bloody guys running around the hills. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty int he mess of humanity. He showed his disciples that His power is over everything, everyone. His message and His hope, His Kingdom is for everyone, and everyone has a chance to enter His Kingdom, to enter a new way of life.
Maybe this is a quaint oversimplification, but this story reminds me that Christians shouldn't run away from crazy situations in crazy places. We shouldn't shy away from the ghettos. We shouldn't shy away from the Satan worshipers or the murderers or the rapists. We shouldn't just sit around and wait for God to push San Francisco and all those evil perverts into the ocean with a big earthquake. We are called, as followers of Jesus, to enter into the mess. We are called to be agents of healing and restoration. We are called to offer hope and a better way. We are called to humbly love and serve, and at the same time to be a conduit of the authority and power of Jesus.
let us not be afraid.
So the disciples are with Jesus on the North edge of the Sea of Galilee, in an area familiar to them, filled with committed and faithful Jews much like them. I wonder if they enjoyed seeing old friends and family. I wonder if they went fishing.
Jesus hops into a boat and the disciples follow him. They are heading across the lake toward the Decapolis, toward the pagans. As the storm hits and the disciples remember their fears of the powers and the evils of the sea, Jesus stops the storm. He "rebuked" the winds and the waves. I find it fascinating that after all Jesus has done to this point the disciples are so blown away by this miracle. Perhaps it points to a culture which had an awe and fear of the power of the sea and what lied beneath. Still, they've seen him heal people and throw out demons and feed thousands with a couple baskets. But this still blows them away!! Jesus shows them that He is more powerful than the Sea, greater than the spirits of the water. He has authority.
As they near the region of the Gadarenes, I wonder what they were thinking. This was pagan land. I wonder if they had ever been there. I wonder what stories they had heard of these evil people. I wonder what their parents told them about the pagans just around the bend. It really isn't that far. You can see this place from the Northern edge where they just were. You can see it from the hill where the great Sermon was told.
I wonder if they were scared, or maybe they were excited about a little adventure. Was a part of these young men feeling like they just shouldn't be there? Surely their culture had told them this place was unclean. For goodness sake, there was a HUGE herd of pigs right there. As the crazy bloody demon possessed guys ran out to greet them, were their fears realized? Did they want to go back to Bethsaida or Capernaum? Did they want to get back in the boat and into the scary sea? Or were they starting to realize that Jesus was the One...He could do it...He would take care of it...and they got to be a part of it all.
As the demons clearly communicate that they are seriously freaked out about Jesus being there, did the disciples think, "Hmmm, these demons seem to think Jesus is seriously powerful."? As Jesus heals the poor man, as He restores this human being, as He brings healing, were they ready to charge into the pagan land yet?
But here's the kicker for me. The people beg Jesus to leave their town. They are freaked. Is it because the pigs are dead? Did he mess up the economy? Were the pigs a part of some sort of pagan worship that now needed some new sacrifices? Did they need some new meat to eat with their eggs in the morning? I wonder if a few of the people in the town really did rejoice over the men who were now in their right mind, the men who had been running around for years, scaring away visitors, scaring their children. What about the men's families? Surely they thanked Jesus. Surely they were a little appreciative. Surely they were stoked to see their sons or brothers back from crazy town?
I love that Jesus gets in the mess of a pagan land. I love that He doesn't stay in Capernaum or Jerusalem. He jumps into the craziness. He isn't scared of the pagan land. He isn't scared of some demon possessed naked bloody guys running around the hills. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty int he mess of humanity. He showed his disciples that His power is over everything, everyone. His message and His hope, His Kingdom is for everyone, and everyone has a chance to enter His Kingdom, to enter a new way of life.
Maybe this is a quaint oversimplification, but this story reminds me that Christians shouldn't run away from crazy situations in crazy places. We shouldn't shy away from the ghettos. We shouldn't shy away from the Satan worshipers or the murderers or the rapists. We shouldn't just sit around and wait for God to push San Francisco and all those evil perverts into the ocean with a big earthquake. We are called, as followers of Jesus, to enter into the mess. We are called to be agents of healing and restoration. We are called to offer hope and a better way. We are called to humbly love and serve, and at the same time to be a conduit of the authority and power of Jesus.
let us not be afraid.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
As the sun beats down on the city streets
It illuminates the bay windows and the green trees
Bringing warmth as travellers discard their coats and hats they could have left at home
The light illuminates the complexity and simplicity
The complexity of colliding culture and beliefs
SUV's next to Vespa Scooters
Green trees with roots under concrete
Beautiful hats costing hundreds of dollars and a wet pair of jeans for free
Colors, shapes and sizes ccollide and clash and join together
But the energy never fades
Some hand out flyers while others voice their beliefs in more subtle ways
Bicycles and tasty vegan restaurants,
Community Centers and graffiti mocking sweat shop produced clothing
the light somehow gives me hope, quickens my step
Reminds me of the provision from Adonai
I watch 2 birds peck away at a fancy croissant
As the line only grows to the French cafe
Now 4 birds share the meal, now 5
As the man strolls by with his shopping cart
Full of blankets, clothes and bottles, now 6
They eat together, their heads bobbing up and down
Frantic energy, pecking away
the humans walk by and around the birds
Walking to some destination
Commenting on the beautiful day
Enjoying their food or coffee
Many have companions, friends, wives, children, roommates, dogs
Others walk alone
Each of us crafted with love
Designed with care by the Creator
Made in the image of the God of the universe
Searching for friendship, joy, peace, love, hope, purpose
Meaning in the midst of the chaos
All of these faces created by One
Noses and dimples and muscles and hair
And the Creator knows intimately
And the Creator loves intimately
Some acknowledge and some refuse
But Adonai knows and Adonai loves
May we simply love with His love
Love in the diversity, Love in the complexity
of wealth and poverty
Love in the crazy mix of creativity
Love with generosity
It illuminates the bay windows and the green trees
Bringing warmth as travellers discard their coats and hats they could have left at home
The light illuminates the complexity and simplicity
The complexity of colliding culture and beliefs
SUV's next to Vespa Scooters
Green trees with roots under concrete
Beautiful hats costing hundreds of dollars and a wet pair of jeans for free
Colors, shapes and sizes ccollide and clash and join together
But the energy never fades
Some hand out flyers while others voice their beliefs in more subtle ways
Bicycles and tasty vegan restaurants,
Community Centers and graffiti mocking sweat shop produced clothing
the light somehow gives me hope, quickens my step
Reminds me of the provision from Adonai
I watch 2 birds peck away at a fancy croissant
As the line only grows to the French cafe
Now 4 birds share the meal, now 5
As the man strolls by with his shopping cart
Full of blankets, clothes and bottles, now 6
They eat together, their heads bobbing up and down
Frantic energy, pecking away
the humans walk by and around the birds
Walking to some destination
Commenting on the beautiful day
Enjoying their food or coffee
Many have companions, friends, wives, children, roommates, dogs
Others walk alone
Each of us crafted with love
Designed with care by the Creator
Made in the image of the God of the universe
Searching for friendship, joy, peace, love, hope, purpose
Meaning in the midst of the chaos
All of these faces created by One
Noses and dimples and muscles and hair
And the Creator knows intimately
And the Creator loves intimately
Some acknowledge and some refuse
But Adonai knows and Adonai loves
May we simply love with His love
Love in the diversity, Love in the complexity
of wealth and poverty
Love in the crazy mix of creativity
Love with generosity
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
To Ponder. To Wonder.
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
I look around and I see,
I see a mass of humanity
But no one is looking at me
Waiting for this train to stop
Waiting for the time to hop
Off this train and off to work
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
I try to gather
My intellect and my soul
To have my eyes opened to what is being made whole
This silly train,
This crowded train.
Music is being heard, but I can’t hear what they hear
I can’t know what they think
I don’t know what they feel.
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
A thought comes upon me, finally something I feel
It is simple and gentle, but it is real
Look at these people.
All colors, shapes and sizes.
Styles and mannerisms.
Each with her own iPOD, newspaper, cell phone, purse…
Each human unique with points of beauty and pain.
The beauty may be hidden but it can be found
The man gives his seat to the elderly woman.
Another calls his wife to say he’ll soon be home.
A cell phone is thrown through the doors to the one who lost it
And we all smile in approval.
I am struck by the Creator’s creativity, but then
I realize that I see so little.
I see so little, so little, just the outside, just the exterior, just the obvious
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
Man is more than his appearance on a train.
Even more than the systems of organs and cells that function inside
Even more than the molecules and atoms operating in harmony
There are souls on these trains
Something inside these brains
Hopes and fears
Fears and dreams
Dreams and reality
Pride and insecurity
The creator, how could He do it?
How could he think it, speak it, create it?
Billions of people, all made by One.
Billions of people, in the image of One.
Billions of people, all loved by this One.
I cannot fathom such love, such depth, something so BIG, so VAST
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
I turn to my left and peer out the window.
So beautiful I would pay for this show.
We have left the concrete jungle and now I see open fields.
I see grass and trees underneath a beautiful peaceful blue sky.
It looks so different, so different from what I saw when I got on this train
But I have seen God’s activity in the concrete jungle and I have seen his activity in the open fields and I have seen his activity in the sprawling suburbia that is drawing near.
Somehow He is working…
I glance to my left and see old apartments
A place that keeps two of my friends warm and safe from the rain.
A place I once lived with my new bride.
A gift as we started a life together.
I look up and see the clouds across the blue sky.
The creator knows where each cloud will go.
The creator knows if the rain will flow.
The creator tells the wind to blow.
I glance back to my immediate surroundings and I once again see faces and shoes and cell phones and newspapers and green chairs and maps on the walls and books being read…
It would be easy to say that God is not here, that He is not active, that this place is forsaken
But I must choose another way, I choose to believe something different.
I choose to believe my Creator.
I choose to believe He loves.
I choose to believe He is at work behind these pictures I see.
I choose to see Him in my ride home, a ride that allowed me the time to ponder.
I choose to see Him in the bag I use to carry my things.
I choose to see Him in the coat I found the other day.
I choose to see Him in the paper and pen that allow me to express before I forget.
I choose to see Him in the air I breathe and the lungs that work.
I choose to see Him in the sun that pierces through the clouds and finds my face.
When I get home I will see the tree planted 50 years ago and I will ponder
I will ponder this living thing
I will wonder at this my Father made
A land my Father made for us
I let myself ponder
I let myself wonder
I try to wonder
I look around and I see,
I see a mass of humanity
But no one is looking at me
Waiting for this train to stop
Waiting for the time to hop
Off this train and off to work
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
I try to gather
My intellect and my soul
To have my eyes opened to what is being made whole
This silly train,
This crowded train.
Music is being heard, but I can’t hear what they hear
I can’t know what they think
I don’t know what they feel.
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
A thought comes upon me, finally something I feel
It is simple and gentle, but it is real
Look at these people.
All colors, shapes and sizes.
Styles and mannerisms.
Each with her own iPOD, newspaper, cell phone, purse…
Each human unique with points of beauty and pain.
The beauty may be hidden but it can be found
The man gives his seat to the elderly woman.
Another calls his wife to say he’ll soon be home.
A cell phone is thrown through the doors to the one who lost it
And we all smile in approval.
I am struck by the Creator’s creativity, but then
I realize that I see so little.
I see so little, so little, just the outside, just the exterior, just the obvious
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
Man is more than his appearance on a train.
Even more than the systems of organs and cells that function inside
Even more than the molecules and atoms operating in harmony
There are souls on these trains
Something inside these brains
Hopes and fears
Fears and dreams
Dreams and reality
Pride and insecurity
The creator, how could He do it?
How could he think it, speak it, create it?
Billions of people, all made by One.
Billions of people, in the image of One.
Billions of people, all loved by this One.
I cannot fathom such love, such depth, something so BIG, so VAST
I try to ponder
I try to wonder
I turn to my left and peer out the window.
So beautiful I would pay for this show.
We have left the concrete jungle and now I see open fields.
I see grass and trees underneath a beautiful peaceful blue sky.
It looks so different, so different from what I saw when I got on this train
But I have seen God’s activity in the concrete jungle and I have seen his activity in the open fields and I have seen his activity in the sprawling suburbia that is drawing near.
Somehow He is working…
I glance to my left and see old apartments
A place that keeps two of my friends warm and safe from the rain.
A place I once lived with my new bride.
A gift as we started a life together.
I look up and see the clouds across the blue sky.
The creator knows where each cloud will go.
The creator knows if the rain will flow.
The creator tells the wind to blow.
I glance back to my immediate surroundings and I once again see faces and shoes and cell phones and newspapers and green chairs and maps on the walls and books being read…
It would be easy to say that God is not here, that He is not active, that this place is forsaken
But I must choose another way, I choose to believe something different.
I choose to believe my Creator.
I choose to believe He loves.
I choose to believe He is at work behind these pictures I see.
I choose to see Him in my ride home, a ride that allowed me the time to ponder.
I choose to see Him in the bag I use to carry my things.
I choose to see Him in the coat I found the other day.
I choose to see Him in the paper and pen that allow me to express before I forget.
I choose to see Him in the air I breathe and the lungs that work.
I choose to see Him in the sun that pierces through the clouds and finds my face.
When I get home I will see the tree planted 50 years ago and I will ponder
I will ponder this living thing
I will wonder at this my Father made
A land my Father made for us
I let myself ponder
I let myself wonder
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