Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Quotes of the week...

I've had a hard time posting lately, although I've had plenty of things I thought about writing about...perhaps I'll blog about them as the thoughts grow more coherent.

In the meantime, I feel the need to share some of my favorite quotes from Kayla. She is 3 now and I figure blogging about her is easy and fun for me and may get me back in the swing of things...


"Oh I love Jesus oh so much, Daddy!" When asked why she replied, "Because he's just such a cute little baby."

While looking through my Bible and telling me she wanted to tell me a story, "Jesus got poopoo all over the place. It was all messy with poopoo everywhere, and then his Mommy had to give him a bath it was so messy. Then people didn't like him anymore."

When asked why she couldn't sleep during her naptime, she pointed to the living room, "It's just such a mess with so much stuff on the floor out here, I couldn't sleep. We have to clean it right now, Daddy."

Kayla on policemen: "Policemen hit people. " When asked where she learned that she replied, "That's just what they do. They hit people. That's what policemen do."

My personal favorite comes whenever she sees a picture of the skyline of San Francisco or we drive down the hill with our view of the Mission District. She states, "There's my City!"


Steffen said...

I could just imagine her saying all of the above :-)

Say hi to her from me.

Peace - Steffen

Lora said...

too cute!