Thursday, May 25, 2006


In our Jesus Dojo we are focusing on Community for 7 weeks, and each week we will look at one aspect of what Scripture tells us about community. Last night we discussed oneness or unity. I enjoyed our discussion as we shared our similar but unique struggles with loving others within the Body of Christ and truly being willing to even try to be one with other people. In our pursuit of oneness the group decided upon a couple of commitments for the following week:

Spend time with someone who claims to follow Jesus but really rubs you the wrong
way. (For some of us this is the Mega Church people. For others it's the evangelists on the street corners in San Francisco. For other it is wealthy suburban dwellers. For others it's the radically right wing Republicans.)

Reading the same chapter of the Bible each day. (starting with 1 Corinthians 7 last night, since some of us have been doing this for a while)

Pray the same prayer at 3 times during the day, morning, noon and night. (We are using Ephesians 3:14-21 as our prayer for this week)

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