Monday, October 17, 2005

Have 2, Give 1

When some people asked John the Baptist what they should do as he was telling them to repent (turn around to a new way), he said that whoever had 2 coats should give to the one who has none...pretty simple stuff. Jesus later speaks of giving away ALL our possessions...let's face it, that's a pretty crazy idea.
Some of us are trying to wrestle with these teachings see what happens. We are trying a Have 2, Give 1 project. We are going to call people to give away their stuff! We are giving some directly to people who need it and we are selling some and giving the profits to the poor. If anyone is in the Bay Area and is interested, let me know. We are having dinner at my house on Saturday night to discuss and plan, and we are having a garage sale at my house on October 29. I'm excited to see what happens. May Jesus use our litte projects and ideas for His glory and His purposes.

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