Sunday, July 29, 2007

Our new Danish friend

Steffen Boeskov is our new Danish friend. I've been emailing back and forth with him for a while. He heard about ReIMAGINE and wanted to stop by for a while and see what's happening. For those of you who may have a difficult time keeping these things straight, since Steffen is Danish he is from Denmark. He has an amazing accent, especially when he says the name of the governor of California. It's priceless. Since I've moved to San Francisco and started working with ReIMAGINE I've had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people from all over the globe, and Steffen is one of them. Here he is with Kayla sitting on the futon in our living room that served as his bed for a couple of nights.

It's amazing that Steffen lives across the globe but we have so much in common. He is a follower of Jesus who is thinking deeply about how the church can interact with and love the people in this world. I just wish I could play the piano like him...